This stack provides a ROS driver for the SICK series of laser scanners mentioned in the following list. The SICK MRS6124 is a multi-layer, multi-echo 3D laser scanner that is geared towards rough outdoor environments.
This driver should work with all of the following products. However, this driver is brand new (Feb 2018) The migration with the master-branch of the already published sick_scan-driver (see ) is in preparation and will be finished until end of March 2018. Since 22nd of February 2018 the new driver is a devel-branch of the already published driver.
ROS Device Driver for Sick Laserscanner - supported scanner types:
device name | part no. | description | tested? |
MRS6124 | 6065086 | 24 layer (standard) | ✔ [experimental] |
MRS1104 | 1081208 | 4 layer | ✔ [experimental] |
LMS1104 | [unpublished] | 1 layer (based on MRS1104 technology) | ✔ [experimental] |
TiM551 | 1060445 | 1 layer max. range: 10m, ang. resol. 1.00[deg] | ✔ [experimental] |
ang. resolution: 1.00[deg] Scan-Rate: 15 Hz | |||
TiM561 | 1071419 | 1 layer max. range: 10m, ang. resol. 0.33 [deg] | ✔ [experimental] |
ang. resolution: 0.33[deg] Scan-Rate: 15 Hz | |||
TiM571 | 1079742 | 1 layer max. range: 25m, ang. resol. 0.33 [deg] | ✔ [experimental] |
ang. resolution: 0.33[deg] Scan-Rate: 15 Hz |
Use the following command to start ROS node:
For MRS6124: roslaunch sick_scan sick_mrs_6xxx.launch
For MRS1104: roslaunch sick_scan sick_mrs_1xxx.launch
For LMS1104: roslaunch sick_scan sick_lms_1xxx.launch
For TiM551, TiM561, TiM571: roslaunch sick_scan sick_tim_5xx.launch#
Take the launchfile “sick_tim_5xx_twin.launch” as an example. Rempping the scan and cloud topics is essential to distinguish the scanndata and provide TF information.
This driver supports both COLA-B (binary) and COLA-A (ASCII) communication with the laser scanner. Binary mode is activated by default. Since this mode generates less network traffic. If the communication mode set in the scanner memory is different from that used by the driver, the scanner’s communication mode is changed. This requires a restart of the TCP-IP connection, which can extend the start time by up to 30 seconds. There are two ways to prevent this:
List of own IP-addresses: ifconfig | grep “inet addr” |
In the following instructions, replace <rosdistro>
with the name of your ROS distro (e.g., indigo
The driver has not been released yet. But once that happens, you can install it directly by typing:
sudo apt-get install ros-<rosdistro>-sick_scan
source /opt/ros/<rosdistro>/setup.bash
mkdir -p ~/ros_catkin_ws/src/
cd ~/ros_catkin_ws/src/
git clone -b devel --single-branch git://
cd ..
source ~/ros_catkin_ws/install/setup.bash
roslaunch sick_scan sick_mrs6xxx.launch
rosrun rviz rviz
publish to point cloud
The sick_scan_test program was developed for testing the driver. This program checks elementary properties of the scanner. In a first implementation stage, the shots per scan are checked. The test program works according to the following principle:
Michael Lehning
on behalf of SICK AG